About Jerry


Hi, you know Jerry? It is me, the author of this blog. I finally reached out to my passion to launch this site!

Actually, I used to write a wide range of topics as a freelancer. And now, I have a chance to write my blog to share useful travel information and experiences to what have happened to me. Not seriously, just read and entertain!

As my slogan mentioned “Be yourself, you only live once“, you can guess what I mean?

To be honest, I am kind of realistic, but sometimes a little imaginary. My hobbies are to writing, listening to music and travelling, which make me happy and optimistic in my lifetime!

If you would like to catch up with me, please subscribe to my email or follow me via social channels. I am willing to chat with you and share, really :)))

Waittt, by the way, I also reveal that my real name is Mai Huynh 🙂


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